Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tea Time

Tea time
Originally uploaded by artfulscribe
I like how the Hipstamatic's Helga Viking lens kind of washed the colors out so that it looks like a picture in a 1950s cookbook.

Ponyo, The Red Capped Oranda

Hipstamatic photo run through Tilt Shift


Originally uploaded by artfulscribe
Quick snapshot at a traffic stop. Everyone knows you shouldn't drive while talking on a cell phone, but no one said anything about taking pictures.


Traffic lights

Traffic light
Originally uploaded by artfulscribe
If you look closely, you'll see that the tree tops are completely loaded with crows. Flocks have supposedly gathered here for more than 100 years, though their trees are fewer and fewer with all the modern development.

Shell Collection

Shell Collection
Originally uploaded by artfulscribe
The textured balls are not actually a form of sea life, but somehow they look like they belong. They were created with rolled up wood shavings, like what's left behind after sharpening a pencil. When paired with sea shells, they almost fool the eye into believing they're a form of coral.